Chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Non-specific back pain?
Chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Non-specific back pain?
Anxiety and stress?
Tried everything?
Chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Non-specific back pain?
Anxiety and stress?
Tried everything?
Do you feel lost and unable to find a long-term solution to your problem?
Is the pain severely affecting your quality of life?
Do you feel lost and unable to find a long-term solution to your problem?
Is the pain severely affecting your quality of life?
Chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Non-specific back pain?
Anxiety and stress?
Tried everything?
Do you feel lost and unable to find a long-term solution to your problem?
Is the pain severely affecting your quality of life?
A lot of chronic pain is caused by poor postural and movement habits. This is the pain that you feel.
Unless they are addressed, these habits create long term patterns of surplus tension in the body which can lead to acute, debilitating pain.
It's like continuously bashing your head against a brick wall! No matter how many times you apply the ice-pack, the pain will win in the end because you keep doing it!
Explore a complementary, self-help therapy by visiting The Alexander Technique Furness!
Have you been looking for help with pain, posture and movement? Have you considered the Alexander Technique for posture improvement, pain management and to gain a greater range of movement?
What we do and how we do it is primarily up to us to decide. That doesn’t make things easy, though. For all of our perceived free will, we are governed by habitual movements, and responses. gathered throughout our lifetime. Life events, work, stress, even our experiences in childhood, can all play a part in building patterns of posture and movement that cause problems later in life. Quite often, we are oblivious to these patterns of behaviour and response, because they are embedded in habits which feel normal to us but may be compromising our wellbeing in some way.
F.M Alexander made three great discoveries:
Cue; The Alexander Technique for posture improvement, pain management and greater movement!
Through the teacher helping you to gain awareness of the habitual tendencies that are putting you wrong, The Alexander Technique can help you regain your optimal operating system. This means that the patterns of pain start to weaken and diminish leading to you feeling stronger, more relaxed and clear-thinking. As upright, bipedal creatures, posture is vital to our everyday wellbeing.
Many health problems can be traced to purely bad posture and guess what? No-one ever teaches us this so quite often, we are left in the dark!
How should I stand? How should I sit? How should I bend down? How should I walk?
Walking is a good example as we all tend to walk in our own personal way. What if though, when we walk, we list to one side, or we let the weight of the upper body put unnecessary strain on the leg joints or that we compensate for injuries that may well have been in the past. Just think about it for a second, how many times do we engage in these activities every day? 50. 100. 200 etc.
Do you think your body might eventually complain? It’s common sense, so we’re going back to the example of ‘bashing your head against a brick wall’. No other discipline available addresses this vital aspect of your life. If you go to see a professional who manipulates you, prescribes remedial exercises etc. you may get welcome, short term relief but you’re not addressing the source of the problem which will most likely be, your habitual tendencies.
Faulty posture and movement patterns can cause patterns of excess tension in your body which can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, and they can interfere with your ability to perform many activities. It's not surprising that most people come to the Alexander Technique because they are in chronic pain
Also, performers who want to improve the quality of their singing, playing, acting, or dancing come to The Alexander Technique to ensure that they are recruiting that optimal operating system. With gentle hands-on guidance and verbal explanations, I will help you find ease and balance within yourself, relearning simple moments and everyday activities, such as sitting, standing, walking, or bending.
Call: 07786 858950 or Email: